Carità Politica founded by Alfredo Luciani in 1993
definitively approved by the Holy See on 8 December 2001
established by the Italian Government on 27 July 2001
Headquarters: Via delle Milizie, 140 - 00192 - Rome Italy
Phone./Fax: + 39 06 3723511
Contacts Contacts
English version Italian version  

Art. 19 - The International Association Missionaries of Political Charity, is run by the central organ composed by the President and his Council.
Both the President and the components of the Council of Presidency are elective. All elective members of the Association participate in the election. The one who secures the absolute majority in the first or in the second scrutiny and relatively in the third, according to the norm of the canon 154-179, emerges as elected.
The Board of Governors is made up by the President and four Members. The Board decides with the participation and the vote of the President and at least two Members.

Art. 20 - The President and the Members of the Board of Governors continue in office for five years and can be re-elected.