Art. 9 - Effective members of the International Association Missionaries of Political Charity are the lay faithful, married and unmarried who demonstrate the vocation of being called by the Lord to serve others, and to engage themselves for the civil community in different articulations and institutions both, in places of influence and in basic structures.
Art. 10 - Adhesion to the Association demands the acceptation of the statutes and its perfect observance.
Art. 11 - The adherent to the International Association Missionaries of Political Charity is required a regular Christian life, a loyal and full profession of the truth of faith, docility to the Supreme Pontiff, to Bishops, as well as to the superiors of the Association.
Art. 12 - Since the Missionaries of Political Charity are called by the Lord to serve others in the political and social spheres, the answer to such a call becomes ratified and approved by a special "act of consecration" which has its root in Baptismal and Confirmational Consecration.
Art. 13 - The moment of "consecration" has its seal in the pronouncement of the promises in front of a spiritual assistant to the service of the Association and in front of its leaders. The promises concern the commitment of living and bearing witness to the Gospel in its integrity, and of promoting social justice in one's lay condition and in one's freely chosen ambient.
Art. 14 - The pronouncement of the evangelical promises takes place after a successful two-year period of formation. The judgement of suitability rests on the directors of the Association.
The formation consists in the effort to conform oneself to the Gospel, and there upon in participating in the life, commitments, and initiatives of the Association (retreats, conventions, reunions), under the guidance of one of the spiritual assistants, without however interrupting one's proper ordinary activity.
Art. 15 - The lay faithful actualise, through the ministry of political charity, the new evangelisation in the time and social life of the community and give witness to the values of the kingdom of God within the terrestrial city.
Art. 16 - Sympathisers of the Association are those, who help to develop it with their own co-operation and oblations.
Art. 17 - Supporter of the Association are individual or juridical people, who help to develop both, the Association and its activities, through donations corresponding to the statutory goals.
Art. 18 - The President and his Council can appoint meritorious men and women of the Association members of honour.