Conference 10 February 2011
9.30 a.m.
Aula Magna of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
"Learning Rome”
Father Bernard Ardura, President of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences
H.E. Ali Akbar Naseri, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Holy See
"Rome and Qom, two Holy Cities”
Hojjat-ol-Islam Dr. Ali Reza Arafi, Rector of the International University "Al Mostafa" of Qom
11,15 am
Press Conference
48th International Piano Festival of Brescia and Bergamo
Dr. Andrea Gibellini, President of the Festival
Dr. Pier Carlo Orizio, Artistic Director of the Festival
Hon. Daniele Molgora, President of the Province of Brescia
Conference 3 May 2011
"The Spirituality of Work. Thirty years after John Paul II's Laborem exercens".
3 p.m.
Sacred Heart Catholic University
Prof. Alfredo Luciani, President of the Association Carità Politica
Prof. Lorenzo Ornaghi, Rector of the Sacred Heart Catholic University
Prof. Evandro Botto, Director of the University Centre for the Social Doctrine of the Church
Mons. Eros Monti, Episcopal Vicar for Social Life, Archdiocese of Milan
H.E. Carlos De La Riva Guerra, Ambassador of Bolivia to the Holy See
H.E. Théodore LOKO, Ambassador of Benin to the Holy See
Prof. Cesare Kaneklin, Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Father Joseph Joblin, Pontifical Gregorian University
Conference 13 June 2011
3 p.m.
Sala delle Carte in Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 13 - Bergamo
"Pentecost and the Spirituality of Work"
Mons. Valentino Ottolini, Parish Priest of Santa Maria Immacolata delle Grazie
Prof. Alfredo Luciani, Founder and President of Carità Politica
Prof. Fabrizio Brena, University of Tübingen