Carità Politica founded by Alfredo Luciani in 1993
definitively approved by the Holy See on 8 December 2001
established by the Italian Government on 27 July 2001
Headquarters: Via delle Milizie, 140 - 00192 - Rome Italy
Phone./Fax: + 39 06 3723511
Contacts Contacts
English version Italian version  

Conference March 30th 2019

"Ascoli Piceno and the Diplomacy of values"


Conference November 14th 2019

Diplomacy of values and human brotherhood”

5 pm

Sala Conferenze Pio XI (Palazzo San Calisto)

Piazza San Calisto, 16 – Vatican City


Mgr. BRUNO MARIE DUFFÈ Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Dr. MARIELLA ENOC Head of the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù

Prof. ROBERTO CAUDA Professor of Infectious Diseases at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Roma (Milano)

Prof. RAOUL ROMOLI VENTURI, Adjunct Professor Corporate and Brand Communication Luiss Business School

H.E. ROBERT COMPAORE Ambassador of Burkina Faso to the Holy See

H.E. DIDACE ZIDAHON GAMPINE Director General of the Graduate Institute of International Studies (INHEI) of Burkina Faso

H.E. ANTOINE ZANGA Ambassador of Cameroon to the Holy See

H.E. SALOMON EHETH Director of the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC)

H.E. ALFREDO VÁSQUEZ RIVERA Ambassador of Guatemala to the Holy See

H.E. HERBERT ESTUARDO MENESES CORONADO Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Guatemala

H.E. ANTONIUS AGUS SRIYONO Ambassador of Indonesia to the Holy See

Dr. YAYAN GANDA HAYAT MULYANA, MA, PhD Director of the Centre for Education and Training of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

H.E. ANTÓNIO JOSÉ EMAUZ DE ALMEIDA LIMA Ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See

H.E. VÁCLAV KOLAJA Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Holy See

H.E. LIVIU-PETRU ZĂPÎRŢAN Ambassador of Romania to the Holy See

Dr. DAN PETRE Director General of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute

H.E. MATTHEW S.M. LEE Ambassador of the Republic of China to the Holy See

Dr. VICTOR CHIN Ambassador on Home Assignement Istitute of Diplomacy and International Affairs (MOFA)

H.E. LÜTFULLAH GÖKTAŞ Ambassador of Turkey to the Holy See

Prof. Dr. MESUT ÖZCAN Director of the Diplomacy Academy, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs


5 pm 


H.E. Mgr. PAUL RICHARD GALLAGHER Secretary for Relations with States within the Secretariat of State



Conference December 11th 2019


5 pm

Sala Conferenze Pio XI (Palazzo San Calisto)

Piazza San Calisto, 16 – Vatican City  


Introduced by:

PROF. ALFREDO LUCIANI President of the International Association “Carità Politica”


Members of the panel:

Mgr. BRUNO MARIE DUFFÉ Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

H.E. LIVIU-PETRU ZĂPÎRŢAN Ambassador of Romania to the Holy See

H.E. GRACE RELUCIO PRINCESA Ambassador of the Philippines to the Holy See

H.E. ANTONIUS AGUS SRIYONO Ambassador of Indonesia to the Holy See