First International Week of Church Social Teaching
On the eve of the centenary of the encyclical "Rerum Novarum" the First International Week of the Social Teaching of the Church on the theme Rerum Novarum and today's social problems was organized in Rieti from 16 to 18 November 1990. The meeting was above all an experience of reflection and a sign of a commitment to the second reading of "Rerum Novarum" in the historical-cultural context, but also in view of our times.
Herebelow the main issues addressed:
The role of the Church in social issues: past and present.
The analysis of the social issue: "the labour question", the division into classes according to Pope Leo XIII; from classism to East-West, North-South conflicts.
Analysis of economic society: capital/labour, classes. Is this analysis nationally and internationally outdated?
Relationship between state and economy. Leo XIII, Pius XI and Paul in relation to neo-liberalism. The position of the Church in the current transitional phase.
Associationism, trade unions, "corporations", the particular destiny of the idea of cooperation; the solidarity today: Third World immigrants.
A problem that did not occur in 1891: the boom in social communications. The meeting was attended by scholars, diplomats, cultural and economic workers from Europe and Latin America.